Hide His Word

The time you spend with God is extremely important. Have you ever felt out of sorts? Like your world was just chaotic for no reason? You can’t seem to find your footing and you feel like you are in a whirlwind of schedules and tasks? I usually find that in those moments it is best for me to see what has changed since my calmer days so I can adjust. Typically, the answer is that I am spending less time with Christ. So by spending less time with Him, I am not as able to find the good or the peace in a situation. Once that happens, it is a quick and slippery slope into “a bad day”. The Bible says, in Psalm 119:11, that you must hide God’s word in your heart so you won’t sin. That is a DAILY task that requires studying and knowing the word of God first. You can’t hold on to scriptures that you don’t know. And to me, knowing a scripture doesn’t always mean knowing the words verbatim for each possible translation. It more or less means knowing God’s intent, purpose, and message regarding the scripture. As time goes on, and you study more, memorization of the verses will naturally occur. So we can’t be too hard on ourselves for not knowing as many scriptures as someone else, as long as we have an understanding of the word and its importance… The rest will come. And then your rest will also come.

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